This documentation describe all available parameters and at least one example for each parameter
Specify API key and a web-site URL to create screenshot, remember that all parameters needs to be url encoded.
Set webview width in pixels, default value: 1024px
Values range: 100 - 8000
Set webview height in pixels, default value: 768px
Values range: 100 - 20000
Set webview percentage zoom, default value: 100
Values range: 5 - 1000
Capture entire document canvas, default value: 0
Document maximum height is limited by max_height parameter
Set webview maximum height in pixels, default value: 15000px
The max-height parameter is only relevant if full_size is set to 1
Values range: 100 - 20000
Specify a custom user agent string
The value have to be url encoded, provided example below contains user agent string for browser Chromium
&user_agent=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu
Chromium/64.0.3282.167 Chrome/64.0.3282.167 Safari/537.36
Scale result image to specified width
The value can not be smaller than height
Values range: 50 - 10000
Image format, default value: PNG
Possible values: PNG, JPEG
API response content-type, default value: image
In case of JSON response, API provide image encoded in base64 and extra information: http response code, http response headers, error in case of unsuccessful response
Possible values: IMAGE, JSON
Your personal unique identifier.
You can get it after signup process in Dashboard
Please keep the key in secret
Delay the screenshot capture, default value: 1500.
Have to be specified in milliseconds
Values range: 0 - 60000
Limit the maximum time for screenshot creation, default value: 60000
If screenshot isn't created in time API return timeout error
Have to be specified in milliseconds
Values range: 0 - 120000
Specify a custom request headers fields
Allowed multiple request_header parameters
Provided examples below, specified Cookie and Referer http headers
Specify a http proxy server, default value: http://localhost:3128
Specify an username for proxy server
Specify a password for proxy server
Get the rendered source code of the web page, default value: 0
Applicable only together with response_type=json
Ingest custom JavaScript code into the web page
High quality proxy would be automatically rotated, default value: 1
Block cookie banners on websites, default value: 0
Block ads from popular ad-networks, default value: 0
Specify the time zone to be used by the browser
The default time zone is America/New_York
A list of available time zones can be found here.
Just copy code for your language and add API key.
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Fast screenshot rendering, no need to wait.