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Website Screenshot API

Capture a website screenshot online

Generate a full web-page screenshot with our service

Site-Shot: Web page screenshot service, that provides rich interface to make any kind of web screenshots online for free with no limits. In add-on it provides powerful API to automate website screenshot generation.

The simplest way to take a full page screenshot, we support a long pages up to 20000 pixels

Feel free to share generated web screenshot, all captured screenshots have unique address.

To take advantage of our REST API service it would require to get a subscription and specify your personal key in every API call.

API call example:

This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.


This documentation describe all available parameters and at least one example for each parameter

API call sample


Specify API key and a web-site URL to create screenshot, remember that all parameters needs to be url encoded.



Set webview width in pixels, default value: 1024px

Values range: 100 - 8000



Set webview height in pixels, default value: 768px

Values range: 100 - 20000



Set webview percentage zoom, default value: 100

Values range: 5 - 1000


Full size

Capture entire document canvas, default value: 0

Document maximum height is limited by max_height parameter


Max height

Set webview maximum height in pixels, default value: 15000px

The max-height parameter is only relevant if full_size is set to 1

Values range: 100 - 20000


User agent

Specify a custom user agent string

The value have to be url encoded, provided example below contains user agent string for browser Chromium

&user_agent=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu Chromium/64.0.3282.167 Chrome/64.0.3282.167 Safari/537.36

Scaled width

Scale result image to specified width

The value can not be smaller than height

Values range: 50 - 10000



Image format, default value: PNG

Possible values: PNG, JPEG


Response type

API response content-type, default value: image

In case of JSON response, API provide image encoded in base64 and extra information: http response code, http response headers, error in case of unsuccessful response

Possible values: IMAGE, JSON


API key

Your personal unique identifier.

You can get it after signup process in Dashboard

Please keep the key in secret


Delay time

Delay the screenshot capture, default value: 1500.

Have to be specified in milliseconds

Values range: 0 - 60000



Limit the maximum time for screenshot creation, default value: 60000

If screenshot isn't created in time API return timeout error

Have to be specified in milliseconds

Values range: 0 - 120000


Request headers

Specify a custom request headers fields

Allowed multiple request_header parameters

Provided examples below, specified Cookie and Referer http headers


Http proxy

Specify a http proxy server, default value: http://localhost:3128


Proxy username

Specify an username for proxy server


Proxy password

Specify a password for proxy server


Source code

Get the rendered source code of the web page, default value: 0

Applicable only together with response_type=json


Javscript code

Ingest custom JavaScript code into the web page


Proxy rotation

High quality proxy would be automatically rotated, default value: 1


No cookie popup

Block cookie banners on websites, default value: 0


No ads

Block ads from popular ad-networks, default value: 0


Time zone

Specify the time zone to be used by the browser

The default time zone is America/New_York

A list of available time zones can be found here.


Code Samples

Just copy code for your language and add API key.

High Availability

We provide highly available service, with 99.9% uptime!

Easy to Start

You can try out our service for free, no need to register.

Horizontal Scalability

We can increase capacity as much as you need!

Fast API

Fast screenshot rendering, no need to wait.

Let's Get In Touch!

Company name: WEB SCRAPER LLP